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repairs and renovations, as well as animal support and housing requirements, and grounds, roadways, and major utility repairs and improvements. 

[[underline]] Conservation Center Repairs and Improvements [[/underline]]. Since acquiring the Front Royal site in 1975, the Zoo has been engaged in a program designed to occupy and hold the land including some emergency repairs. The Institution has retained serviceable structures for use where there is clear need, and is demolishing deteriorated and unusable structures. Most of the animal containment fencing is in place for major paddocks and for the overall site, and most of the initial repairs to essential utilities and buildings have been completed. In FY 1979, the Institution spent about $100,000 of nonappropriated trust funds to purchase additional land needed to protect the present facility. It is now possible for the for the Zoo to concentrate on improvement projects needed for long-term study and management of carefully selected species. 

Total repair and improvement costs spanning FY 1975-1985 for the Conservation Center are estimated to be approximately $12,000,000. In FY 1980, $1,050,000 is expected to permit the Conservation Center to advance in coordination with Rock Creek construction. Projects include facilities for hoofed stock, renovation of the maintenance and staff services building and road maintenance and improvement. Follow-on projects are expected to amount to about $8,000,000 through FY 1985. 

[[underline]] Restoration and Renovation [[/underline]]

This account is used to fund building repairs, alterations, and improvements, as well as construction of additions to existing facilities and minor new facilities. The Institution requires substantial annual funding for facilities planning and engineering, repair and improvements, and those needs that arise unexpectedly. See table on following page. 

In FY 1980 the Institution will use $5,250,000 additional for this purpose and expects to undertake the following significant projects: construction of a dining/common building and access road improvements at Mt. Hopkins ($505,000), improvement of the Tropical Research Institute library at Ancon ($195,000), continuation of terrace repairs at the Museum of History and Technology ($200,000), improvement of library facilities at the National History Museum ($200,000), planning and design to upgrade temperature and humidity systems at the Fine Arts and Portrait