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January 28, 1980

[[underlined]] SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Death of John Nicholas Brown [[/underlined]]

A tribute to the late Regent, praising his affiliation with the Institution, was prepared in fine calligraphy for present to Mrs. Brown, and it was

RESOLVED that the members of the Board of Regents express their deep regret at the loss suffered by the Institution because of the death of John Nicholas Brown on October 9, 1979, recalling his splendid contributions to the Smithsonian Institution.

[[underlined]] Report of the Executive Committee [[/underlined]]

The Executive Committee met on January 3, 1980. Agenda items were discussed and suggestions were incorporated into the agenda papers. The Committee approved the appointment of Phillip Samuel Hughes as Under Secretary effective February 4, 1980. The Committee discussed the report on Equal Opportunity and recommended that the Audit and Review Committee study this program and make recommendations for improvements. The Executive Committee increased the salary of the Secretary and recommended nominees to fill the two citizen regent vacancies (see "Regents Candidates").

[[underlined]] Reports of Regents Committees [[/underlined]]

The Personnel Committee reported that no conflicts of interest were apparent in the confidential financial interest statements of the senior staff of the Institution, though the Committee recommended two revisions to the questionnaire. The Audit and Review Committee reported on its meeting of December 6, 1979, in which discussions followed three presentations: an overview of the Institution's organization, programs, funding, and staffing; a description of the independent auditing of trust funds; and an outline of the work of the internal auditor.

[[underlined]] Regents Candidates [[/underlined]]

The Executive Committee, acting as a Search Committee, solicited and received suggestions from all Regents and others and recommended two candidates to fill vacancies occasioned by the death of John Nicholas Brown and the resignation of Thomas J. Watson, Jr., now Ambassador to the Soviet Union. After discussion, it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents requests the Congressional members of the Board to introduce Joint Resolutions in the Senate and in the House of Representatives to provide for the appointment of William G. Bowen and Carlisle H. Humelsine as citizen regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the statutory term of six years.