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often under great difficulties not only from the weather and deep snow, but from miserable dogs, and the difficulty of carrying dog provisions, as well as loads, for so long a trip. The whole of our goods, however, were brought over by our own party without any out side assistance.

January 1st 1867 - Two poles were erected and the U.S. Telegraph, Masonic and Scientific Flags hoisted and a National salute fired. These were the first poles erected east of Grantly Harbor.

Mr. Dall visited the reported Coal Seam some nine miles below Nulato, on the river and reported it to be of good quality, but of so small extent as to be useless.

Jan. 2d - Mr. Dyer arrived from Unalachlert. A new and well built Indian house, between Nulato and Koltog on the river, was purchased for the use of the Company for four dollars.

A contract was entered into with a Russian, Passkillkoff, to erect quarters for the parties to be station-