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Bush Station N.E. Siberia
June 27th 1867.

Capt R. J. Bush
Com'dr N.D.A.D.


 I have the honor to submit to you the following report of this station. since the departure of Lt Macrae for Markova (Feb. 18, 1867)
The evening after Lt Macrae and party started, a heavy snow storm sprung up from the S.E. which kept on increasing until the morning of the 21st when the wind suddenly changed to the N. West and blew the most fearful gale we have experienced during the winter. The snow drifted so thick that we were unable to go one hundred yards from the house without being lost. M.J. Kelly, Col. Wickens clerk was lost during the morning in attempting to go to the out house and back, a distance of one hundred yards from the Station. Immediately after he was discovered to be missing guns were fired to attract his attention, and several of the party started in pursuit, but failed to find him, as they dare not go out of sight of the house. Mr Kelley by accident found his way back to the house after being out about half an hour, so badly chilled through that he was unable to leave his bed for several days.
  Several other members of the party were lost during the day, but found their way back to the Station, without suffering to any great extent. The storm abated on the 22nd, when the weather grew clear and cold