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the fore and middle fingers of the right hand above the second joint - they being so badly frozen that all Mr Dixons efforts to save them proved fruitless. Mr Dixon deserves great credit for the able manner in which he performed the amputations having nothing to perform the operations with. but the most rude instruments which consisted of a handsaw and jack knife to do the cutting with and a pair of old rusty tweezers to pick up the Arteries. The operation was performed in two hours. The patient being under the influence of chloroform. Mr Kelly is now recovering and I think has learned a lesson that will benefit him in the future.
April 15th. We commenced work on the Steamer "Wade" this A.M. and by the 24th had all the snow and ice shoveled away from her ready to paint._ As soon as the weather would permit. The snow was 10 to 12 feet deep all round her, for several days we did not gain an inch on the snow as it drifted back almost as fast as we shoveled it away. May 17th we raised the steamer today on shears made from two of the Barque Golden Gates' topmasts, and hauled her stern upon the beach ten or twelve feet, where she lay, until the ice broke up. On the 26th of June at 8 P.M. we launched her thoroughly repaired from stem to stern. her boilers and steam pipes were covered with old rope and canvass to keep the heat in them. Engines overhauled and painted, hull carpentered, caulked and painted, and various other improvements which I think will make her better in every respect than she has ever been before. On the 23d of June, the ice in