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The Indians of Virginia for over a Hundred years supposed to be extinct as Recently demonstrated to the people of the State that they are not only still on the map. but that they wish to put their tribal name on the map of glorious State whose History so abounds in Indian Encounters. of the many tribes under the controll of old powatan in 1620, there are at least five still Represented by decendants, eaven thro. their names have been [[stikethrough]] lost [[/strikethrough]] almost forgotten we our selves have kept alive the memories of our tribes And now strange to say; when in all parts of Europe & Asia the Smaller Conquered Nations are determining them selves as seperate peoples; our Indian friends in Virginia are Responding to the same Nationalistic Empulse the Rappahanocks no longer content being classed among the people of color. in the State, have within the last few months orginize our numbers into the Rappahanock Indian association thus putting back on the Records a tribal name which has been out of use for almost too centuries, good citizens Law abiding, Loyal, Sober, & Endustrious, Servial Hundred of our decendants of the Rappahanock. Nation are Recalling the [[?past]]