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Solidifying our Enterest in our own organization the object of which is the Retention of our Historical name, The conservation of our customs as much as possible in these morden days and the persevation of our Social & Educational welfare as a body of people in this state who are neither white or colored but Lineal decendants of the tribe of Rappahanock. Located on both sides of the Rappahanock River Beginning about 30 miles below fredericburg. A traveler passing through the Beautifull and prosperious farming country of King & Queen Essex & Caroline Counties will encounter the farms and homes of a people whose skin is brown and whose hair is straight attesting [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] our Indian decent. they are quick in manner, Reserved yet courteous in all our Homes one meets with the same characteristics Hospitality and Cleanliness with a healthy appitude for work and a laudable fondness for Education our people strike the outsider in an Exceptionally favorable way. A Baptist Church; servial prvate schools Run by themselves and other Helpfull movements are all destined to show that the Indians descendants in Virginia are desirous of showing our steady progress upward along the best Lines of Morden Culture