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Thirdly their are some tribes like the Cherokees & Sioux which are large prosperous and wealthy it is a money advantage to belong to such tribe and a great many men who should be considered White are counted with such tribes and help to make them look as if they were not dwindling away.  The White mean brought us Whiskey which has killed thousands.  They brought use vices and diseases which seep off thousand more  They put and end to the old free open [[underlined]]air[[/underlined]]. They taught  us unwholesome means of cookery that cause Scrofulus and other diseases  They taught them to build close stuffy houses which cause consumption which is fearfully destructive to Indians Whether the Indians really die out or not our old Life will surely dissappear if we don't seek to [[underlined]]retain[[/underlined]] it our dances dress weapons games dances Ceromonials will all disappear if we don't wake up it will only be a matter of time but it Should be always interesting to us as true Blooded Americans.  The conditions of us today is a sad and [[strikethrough]]pathetic]] ^[[pathetic one]] one [[strikethrough]]the conditions of the Indians today[[/strikethrough]] They may also [[underlined]]echo[[/underlined]] the words of red Jackett.  The Indians has been crowded upon by the White Man's hunger for land we held the whole continent; today [[strikethrough]]we[[/strikethrough]]our race is almost prisoners upon a few patches of land called Reservations and the Indians is only secure of these until the White Man wants them. Time after time the Indians has given up their Lands and Remove to distant placed because their old homes was wanted by White Men