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[[image - front of Epiphone Gibson guitar]] [[messages written on guitar face of body, top to bottom, left to right as much as possible]] [[top left]] Papa's got a brand new axe! Gibson USA g Tony Mary [[small happy face]] [[top right]] Howie H MORE THAN MUSIC TO the man (MR. JAMES BROWN) Happy B and many more! [[left side near sound hole]] Only The Best Yours Ike Turner [[left side]] TO JAMES THE BEST! Charlie Booker [[left side]] 2 My Man! I love you ... Derek D.O.A. Allen [[right side by pick guard]] Dear JAMES I've realy ENJOYED BEING A PART OF YOUR B-DAY. LOVE YOUR Being on Earth one more year & many more [[arrow to]] Chris Clayton & all at - HLS STUDIOS. [[below pick guard]] LOVE YA! Countess [[left side]] C J Anthony [[left of bridge]] Happy B-DAY MR. B Mahili Dear [[left below bridge]] TO THE MAN Love Always Ozzy Osbourne [[below bridge]] To the man who will always be # 1 Casey Kasem [[right side]] Happy Birthday It's an honor to work for you. Love, Anita Cropper [[lower left]] To My God Father Love Ya Always Plas Wilson Plastic Man [[bottom center]] Happy B-day James Jerry Cantrell A.I.C.G. [[Bottom]] James, Have a Happy God Daddy Love Dana White [[Bottom]] Happy B-Day! Mike Inez OZZY AIC 1993 [[Bottom]] To James Thanks for The great Talk in "Europe" William King "Commodores" [[Signatures on side of guitar partially visible; see pages 4 and 5 for better angle.]] [[bottom front of guitar bellow pick guard ]] Howie H MORE THAN MUSIC TO THE MAN (MR.JAMES BROWN) HAPPY B and many more! [[Left on side of guitar lower middle]] James Love, Health Happiness Forever! April Sutton B.E.T.
Transcription Notes:
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Could Annie(?) Cropper be related to guitarist Steve Cropper?