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Pteridophyte.     2544

Abundant in floor of [[transitive?]] type of forest
[[strikethrough]] "campina alta" [[/strikethrough]] & campinarana.

Pariana     2545

[[?]] [[some?]] [[flores?]] of
[[transitive?]] type of forest
of campina, [[call?]]
campinarana or campina alta in dense clumps,
[[strong?]] culms with [[?]] and long oral setae, ca 1.50 - 1.75, with

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

- 64 km E of Aripuana River

[[skin?]], long, terminal inflorescences.

June 18     2546
Am. Transamazon Highway. 9 km  [[W?]] of Rio dos Pombos
([[symbol]] ca 1500 m east of [[Iganaje?]] dos Pombos)
[[drawn arrow pointing to location at top of this page]]

Apocinaceae [[striekthrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] [[?]]

Shrub with large yellow flowers. On sandy soil of campina and [[white?]] [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
Apocinaceae = Apocynaceae?