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changed," said Arnheim, "I noticed it as we entered the bay, and I think we had better hoist the sail and take advantage of it, if we are to lengthen our course as you suggest."  Accordingly we stept the mast and were soon on the open sea.  We steered for the point under full sail, Arnheim taking the sheet and I the tiller.  [*We could see nothing of the stranded vessel over the intervening hills untill we doubled the point and were almost within hail of her.  Then we could see the men at work lightening the starboard bows, which gave her a heavy list to port, and on nearer approach could distinguish Captain Nichols on the forecastle, aparently conferring with the second officer.

At his invitation we went on board and consumed the remainder of the forenoon in examining the bark's injuries, and in conversation with the sailors, who were too hard at work, however, to waste much breath upon us, besides not being in the best of spirits in consequence of their meeting