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with disaster, when in sight of port, after a long and prosperous voyage.  Some of the men were still at the pumps, others in the rigging, but most were engaged in unlading, a lighter from the harbor being in attendance upon the vessel.

When the sun was considerably past the meridian we took our leave, and under the lea of the rocky point disposed of our lunch, Mable scattering the remnants, when we [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] again set sail, in the wake of the boat, little knowing that before we reached home we would have been glad of every crumb.

To be continued

Waking Jones (to Smith who is hanging something on the towel rack) - "What have you got there, drowned rats?"  Smith – "No, I got into my bath with my slippers on."  Jones – "What a riddiculous performance!"  Smith – Feat of folly, I should be inclined to say.