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Transcription: [00:07:47]
[[Galaxy theme music]]
{SPEAKER name="Ann Carroll"}
How an anthropologist solves crimes for the FBI.

This is Smithsonian Galaxy. I'm Ann Carroll. All anthropologists are detectives, in a sense. But at the Smithsonian, there's one who often seemed like a real detective. His name is J. Lawrence Angel, and he says it all started in the early '50's.

{SPEAKER name="J. Lawrence Angel"}
"J. Edgar Hoover asked Dr. T. Dale Stewart, who was then head of physical anthropology, if he and his colleagues would assist the FBI at any time when they found unidentified human skeletal remains. Apparently, in the 1950's, more skeletons started to turn up, and that was the reason, I think, for the request to Dr. Stewart."

{SPEAKER name="Ann Carroll"}
Dr. Angel himself got involved almost the moment he arrived at the Smithsonian.

{SPEAKER name="J. Lawrence Angel"}
"I came here in 1962, and the first day I reported for work there was a skeleton, which the FBI had brought in, of an unknown murder victim, together with the skeleton of her unborn fetus, which is quite a unique finding. I've never known another one like this."

{SPEAKER name="Ann Carroll"}
Dr. Angel studied the skeleton to learn all he could about the victim — her age and build, any special features, and her injuries. In this case, and many others, he presented his findings in court testimony.

{SPEAKER name="J. Lawrence Angel"}
"This case didn't come to trial until nine years later when the supposed and later convicted murderer was located and the trial was held."

{SPEAKER name="Ann Carroll"}
In recent years, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have been sending over about thirty skeletons a year, and Dr. Angel and his colleagues have provided their services free.

{SPEAKER name="J. Lawrence Angel"}
"In this respect, I and other anthropologists are really rendering a very massive financial service to these various agencies. They'd have to pay a lot more if they hired pathologists to do this."

{SPEAKER name="Ann Carroll"}
J. Lawrence Angel, a man who's helped the FBI solve some of its toughest cases. Dr. Angel is head of physical anthropology at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.

Reporting from the Smithsonian Institution, I'm Ann Carroll.
[[Galaxy theme music]]

Transcription Notes:
J. Lawrence Angel and T. Dale Stewart confirmed via Google from SI instructions: "STEP FIVE: When the entire segment is transcribed and the recording has reached the end of the segment, insert a final timestamp."