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We had everything necessary, plus a pass [[strikethrough]] showing w [[/strikethrough]] proving we are sailing, & a [[strikethrough]] permit [[/strikethrough]] visa to leave France which we got yesterday (after that 2 hrs crush between hysterical people) - & even the particular name of the [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] pass.

It was soon going to be twilight & our gas tank was 1/4 full when we reached the pass. We were 1/2 hour later than we expected because of our first flat tire, & we also had [[strikethrough]] changed all [[/strikethrough]] spent our last French francs in order to avoid losing by the exchange.

[[strikethrough]] On the [[/strikethrough]] We reached a bridge at the foot of the pass & soldiers stopped us. The pass was definitely closed - no possibility of getting through the French Italian military baracade. Loya proceeded to grow panicky - I drove us back 34 Kil. as fast as possible to Mondane, where we were