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E. either has to let me alone or be a companion about a career. He can't put his foot into what I feel & wear & do, & then say "now its up to you to be a good sculptress entirely apart from what I think of your work or tell you to do as a wife." He has to encourage -& not discourage. He can't be completely scornful withot cooperating about my work - when our private lives are together.

He says that he is of a family who live for the future & play with it, while I am from a [[strikethrough]] (more [[/strikethrough]] family who live in [[strikethrough]] the & [[/strikethrough]] for things of the past. This is true in taste - but [[strikethrough]] P [[/strikethrough]] E. forgets that if it weren't for his Father, & the conciet of his Family (who've always been big frogs in little ponds) - & they're tremendous pride & flattery to him, & the comforts of money & jobs & security around him - he wouldn't have the confidence & chance to play with things of the Future. He feels I am surrounded with flattery at home - but when have I been home as long as he, & have I not branched out more like a pioneer from my home than he? He must let me develop freely, & not scorn my lack of development.

He must just try not to antagonise - by criticizing or being insensitively tactless & unkind.

I must remember not to jump to conclusions, & to think twice before I speak - & to control my moods.