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THURSDAY, JANUARY [[strikethrough]]30[[/strikethrough]] 1st, 1936  
30th Day  Franklin Delano Roosevelt--Born 1882   336 Days to come

New Year's day -- Followed a night of mild debauchery. I was glad to have missed the Ramos"bowle" because it looked dead, & as it was Werner & Helen & Dot & Kenneth & John & I all took a table in the bar, after dining with Squab & the "Wolves" with much laughing & fun. John is such a conscientious Y.M.C.A. goody good -- he's such a white man, & lacks so much humour about it that I wonder how I was so blind to that before? Aside from that I feel very loyal toward him, because we are real friends, & always will be [[strikethrough]] aside from the fact [[/strikethrough]] except that I hate to see him emit such a "curate" atmosphere, & label people & life so much, even before he encounters what he labels. I wanted to be with Kenneth, but he disappeared to his Sanders friends, whom I met & liked.

Later we all ended up in the Alpenose [[Alpenrose]] till 3:30 A.M. -- & I must confess the evening was [[strikethrough]] most [[/strikethrough]] more exciting whenever Kenneth was there. Could I be getting infatuated all over again? Rudi Matt came & talked to him about the

[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
31st Day   335 Days to come

Ramos's after John & K went to bed, & somehow this year I feel Rudi is a real friend. Hermann goes more & more out of the picture, thank goodness. He gets so difficult that its boring, & aside from my real dependence on him, & his understanding of me -- & my love of his charm & humour -- I am quite balanced about him now because I feel a normal relationship at last, & he helps this by being less responsive to me. Today we got up at 12 -- & did slalom at Christoph -- everyone doing well. We did well because it was much easier -- & I loved being alone with Pfeiffer & the others. A great closed taxi took us up -- & we felt & looked like gangsters going to a gangster wedding. I have been very unlucky for a week now. First my cold & three days in bed was a real loss of practise, & has left me weak -- & now today -- the first day I have felt half well again -- I put my ski stick into

Transcription Notes:
bowle = fruit punch