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[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
32nd Day  334 Days to come

my knee when I fell in the slalom today -- & though I knew it was hurt, I went on skiing, & did the Waldschigel home (did move very fast & well on ice) -- to find that my knee has a real hole in it, & Dr Schalle said it might get infected, & should have been sewed up on the spot, & now I can't ski tomorrow. How infuriating to get slowly behind this way in such small ways. I have a great splint on my knee -- & who knows if it will get really bad. To compensate, Alice had a big tea party -- with Rudi & John & "her girls" & the Canadians etc etc -- but Kenneth didn't come till after John & I had dined in the Angelika. He came then & stayed in spite of an invitation to the Sanders, & when John said he was going to bed, Kenneth said he'd go later, but John made him go on the spot. Three is a crowd -- & I feel they both like me. I adore John, but K attracts me in a surprising way, & makes me forget my bad luck. I was good in slalom at last!

[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
Jan 6
33rd Day  4th Sunday after Epiphany--Purification Transfiguration--Lutheran  333 Days to come

So much has happened in these six days, & I am so behind in sleep & time to catch up in diaries & letters that I can only list events tonight. We have been training like mad -- too hard -- with a Galzigg every a.m. nonstop, & three slaloms in the p.m. -- & as Kenneth says we are training much too hard. I haven't had a moment to ski with John or Kenenth, & Otto & the Western girls have arrived. John evidently thinks he is in love with me again, & made love to me just before he left, to my astonishment, but is not sure enough to actually propose. I am not in the least in love with him, & it hurts me to see the ghost of what I used to love so much, & have it seem flat now. It makes me feel so uncertain about love when I see what time can do to it. I didn't mind seeing him go, though we were inseparable [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] last week, but his curate atmosphere & sanctimoniousness is too strong to ignore now. He left very healthy & then I was glad to be with Kenneth instead. I got to know his friends the Sanders from Cambridge, & for three days have seen Kenneth consistantly. I think