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34th Day  332 Days to come

we are both falling a little in love with each other; though its probably only that he thinks I am swell company, & I am infatuated because I feel well & no one else is around, but still it is great fun. The results in the [[strikethrough]] races [[/strikethrough]] slalom timing have been roughly (& [[strikethrough]] tim [[/strikethrough]] taking from three slaloms - the total times) [[strikethrough]] me [[/strikethrough]] 1st day - me 5th (out of 8 girls), 2nd day - me 5th (out of 10 girls), 3rd day - me 4th out of 9 girls in Galzigg Race to Dengert, with quite a difference between the first 4 times & the last five & slalom (only 2 runs) me 4th out of 11 girls. This all leads up to the most tragic & ghastly thing that happened in the Race yesterday. Dot Brewer fell down the stein portal & broke her back & lay an hour in the snow freezing & suffering before Otto rescued her. The whole village [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] & Angelika & everyone has been so upset by it that I can't begin to describe it. Her courage & suffering were appalling - but she is out of danger I think because Dr. S. set it so well, & because they found her in time - if she had lain there half an hour longer she would have frozen. 

Helen & I also went too low on the steil hang of the Galzigg - & upon looking at our tracks the next day - we found we were only a meter above Dots, where she had sprung into the rocks. This was a narrow escape - & as it was I had suddenly skied into a big hole - springing hard onto my face which lost a lot of time in my race.

[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1936 [[/strikethrough]] 
Jan 12
35th Day  331 Days to come

Another Brief listing of events will have to sum up the last weeks because they have been piling up so fast. Five days ago - after coming down the last half of the Tobel better than anyone according to [[strikethrough]] Ott [[/strikethrough]] Hermann, I took a horrible fall in the bottom hole on my face - & cut my lip so badly & hit my head so hard that I am not yet recovered, & was in bed & unable to eat for two days. I [[strikethrough]] cut [[/strikethrough]] can't imagine how I did it, but my lower lip inside had a hole big enough to put the doctor's whole thumb into it he said, & [[strikethrough]] arc [[/strikethrough]] he could see my entire bone & roots of my teeth an inch through. They gave me morphine, & then took three stitches when I was still wide awake, & the pain & [[strikethrough]] sickness [[/strikethrough]] from stitching it when there was hardly any flesh left to sow it up to, & the shock of falling on my head so hard, & weakness from not being able to eat all day made me suffer miserably, though I tried so hard to be brave. Apparently I had a very slight concussion, because now with the slightest exercise in climbing or skiing, I get such a violent headache & throbbing pain that I