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[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
36th Day  330 Days to come

feel sick & want to cry. I have only [[strikethrough]] done one two times [[/strikethrough]] gone twice down a slalom - coming out fifth in the combination (if I hadn't missed a flag & been disqualified!) - & now today we have all just arrived in Davos & did one run [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] in a snowstorm. I skiied well, from the rest, but my headache was awful at the bottom, & my fear of falling on my [[strikethrough]] mouth [[/strikethrough]] face again with the stiches still in, is going to make the next few days unpleasant! Thank God the enormous hideous swelling has gone down. That is my third accident in 10 days - First the grip, then ski sticks in my knee, then my mouth & head - & now what? I am developing an escape attitude while not skiing, because these injuries & the [[strikethrough]] hell [[/strikethrough]] uncertainty of the team choice, & the thought of the coming races are all horrible to dwell on. It was sad to leave Anton - & every day gets grimmer and grimmer, & my escape consists of memories with Kenneth. I have been up until 2 a.m. with him for the last few nights - & Otto has been furious about it. I just loathe all

[[strikethrough]] THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
37th Day  329 Days to come

this mob business [[strikethrough]] Gur [[/strikehtrough]] Girls Girls - double rooms - meals together - 17 of us every day - rivalry - jealousy - everyone on edge - continual injuries - & really it is hard to remember that skiing is a form of pleasure - & that I came all the way over for it - & this is what happens! I couldn't eat for days on account of my mouth - & I looked like a freak - & I feel so tired - & every time I move I get a headache. Somehow it all seems better when I think of what fun I've had with Kenneth - & what fun it will be to visit England after all this. I have decided to do that if I get hurt [[strikethrough]] or [[/strikethrough]] & even if I don't, & the thought is delightful. I feel awful thinking of Lu having her baby, & me not there for the 2nd time. Poor Dot is getting on alright - & they actually make her get up & walk in her cast already, though it is agony. There have been parties galore in Anton lately. Werners & Michel's in Stuben & Bridgets which I refused - & lots - but all were dull because Kenneth wasn't there. Lance & Seringa arrived yesterday as we left - but he & I spent the whole last day together because it rained--thank heaven!