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[[strikethrough]]MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1936[[/strikethrough]]
48th Day 318 Days to come

to be here in the Parsenn Sport Hotel, with the lovely Kindschu's gone, & all those old days with Alice & Otto & Spiss & me alone - gone for good.  I remember those spring tours of two years ago with such joy - & that day when I cried because it was my last day here & Hermann wouldn't take me up on another tour because I had done that last Wolfgang so well & would be tired.  He & Alice came in my room--& Hermann told me to cheer up & that he felt as if I was his child & he didn't want me to be so unhappy.  I remember when he fought with Alice--& then he came in my room & we talked, & he was sorry he had been so disagreeable.  I remember playing tricks on them--putting soap on their toothbrushes, & then they doing the same to us, & last year when I came on my crutches to join everyone here because I was out of the F.I.S.  I was so glad to be here, & they were so lovely to me.  There is no use--I am too spoiled--& I like to be the one & only on a team & the best skiier--& here I am eclipsed by ten others--& it is good for me because it is such

[[strikethrough]]TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1936[[/strikethrough]] 
49th Day 317 Days to come


a hard contrast.  I am ashamed of myself & my conduct for the last three weeks & how I've tried to pull in opposite directions from the others the whole time.  Well I have been punished for it anyway, with so many minor injuries.  It is a beautiful day today, & tomorrow I will ski, & decide whether to stay for the slalom.  Probably I will go to England after that--& return to be in the Olympic parade. I suppose if I feel perfectly alright--I would be dumm not to stay & try to be one of the best substitutes, & thus help my chances in the F.I.S., but, tomorrow will decide that.  I hate to have the old days & the old friendship with Hermann gone, but it must all be there underneath.  I remember the time when Louis Schönberg was here too, & when he liked me.  I liked him so much too--& Kathie & he used to sit in my bedroom & we all had such fun--& then he returned to Anton & met his girl & married her--& now it all seems so long ago & so unretreivable!  

Since being on this team I begin to see what qualities are appreciated & necessary in this

Transcription Notes:
dumm is German