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[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
54th Day  Quinquagesima 312 Days to come

later in the day

It is Sunday, & Church bells are ringing, & a dog is howling outside, and the day is windy & gray, and [[strikethrough]] I keep [[/strikethrough]] all I can think of is the "Magic Mountain" and the sound of the coffins rolling down the side of the mountain from the Sanitorium to the Road far below [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] on which they will [[strikethrough]] be dra [[/strikethrough]] continue their journey to their grave. Davos is a dreary place - especially when one is inactive in its world of action, & this afternoon I will take a sleigh to see Vivian Lloyd who has been at Death's door with T.B. for a year now, & I think Cloverdale is the "Magic Mountain" Sanitorium. I have been amused this a.m. by articles about us all, & drawings of me & Mary Bird in a St Anton article. I think about Kenneth all day & night, but more as an escape than because I am in love with him, though I am deeply attracted by his steady logical balance, & his sympathetic sweetness, & [[strikethrough]] am altogether [[/strikethrough]] think we are both rather infatuated.

[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
55th Day  St. Matthias 311 Days to come

Jan 30th

It is 8 am. now & a funny time for me to be writing, but somehow [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] morning & night are exactly the same these days. Every am. when Haider brings me my breakfast, a wave of flat discontentment & worry passes over me at the remembrance that I am still in St Anton & must hang on for three weeks more. To list events since Davos - the team have left for Garmisch (there are 6 of them so far) & the rest of us train here. A cable from mum says that Lu had a 7 lb son & is very well (I'm so happy that its a boy & that she's O.K.), & a letter from Lu says that Sunny Putnam is engaged, & that their darling dog [[strikethrough]] is dead [[/strikethrough]] "Skippy" is dead. I have been faintly interested in the MP. here called "the Honorable Chas. Bailey [[Baillie]] Hamilton" - & yesterday I had a shooting tea party built around Dot's airgun, the main point being to give Dot some fun, & to get C.B.H. & Barnett his friend to come. Bailey H broke his back last year, & I thought Dot could discuss hers with him, whereupon she thought Barnett was B.H. & when he

Transcription Notes:
Mary Bird came 33rd out of 37 in the 1936 Olympics. Charles Baillie-Hamilton was an MP from 1929 to 1931