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[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
76th Day   290 Days to come

Feb 26

I spent today in bed on account of my 2 weeks old cold - & what a delightful time I had daydreaming & drawing a peke. Last night I went out with Kenneth, having broken my date with John, & thereby upsetting him beyond reason. Well it was utterly selfish so he has every right to be furious & I to be ashamed. I was so afraid K wouldn't ask me again, & have so little time left to see him in, & the only way to see him often is to hope he likes me more, for so far he has [[strikethrough]] missed [[/strikethrough]] ignored plenty of chances to see me. It is funny that I can't write or think of anyone else but this boring outpour, considering that I have met an excellent sculptor named Grinling, & a good sculptress named Ann Strauss, & considering I have seen a lousy exhibit of lousy Matisse drawings, & have been to see the famous Rosa at the Cavendish hotel, & have been to "Romeo & Juliet" last night with Kenneth - & thousands of other things which I haven't the patience to write about. Last night I dined at K's apartment, which is most tastefully fixed up by him. Simple & modern &

[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
77th Day  St. Patrick's Day   289 Days to come

restful, with flowers & nice furniture, & a good meal. Then the theatre during which I coughed myself & everyone else sick, (it was a marvelous production - J Gilgood [[Gielgud]] a bit effeminate but swell, & Edith Evans unforgettable - & then back to K's flat to drink tea & meet his mother. She is a very natural & sincere person who works all day, which is easy to see by her appearance & manner. K plays the piano rather nicely - at least one Chopin waltz. He suggested bed as soon as we were together alone - but it was 1 A.M. so quite natural, & I shouldn't have felt hurt. [[strikethrough]] feelings [[/strikethrough]] His manner was more affectionate than ever, but I was a fool all evening, being so excited about going out with him, that it was pathetic. Today [[strikethrough]] Denny [[/strikethrough]] he had said he might & might not come & see me in bed - but he did, & soon after Denny came in K left at 7: & is not coming tomorrow, but it was a successful half hour today, & I am going out with him on Friday [[strikethrough]] Denny [[/strikethrough]] as I refuse to go to Ringstead with John with my cold. Denny stayed & we talked delightfully from 7 till 10 P.m. about people & love & life, as in schooldays! He says J. is very much in love with me but unsure abt marriage. John is about to appear any minute now. 

A darling letter from mum describes my new nephew as [[strikethrough]] homeless [[/strikethrough]] "small & homely, but has flat ears & a good appetite" (!)