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[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
84th Day   282 Days to come


more girls. John apparently is vascillating between proposing to me or not, & he tried  to find out Kenneth's opinion of me the other day because if Kenneth is going to propose, John must make up his mind sooner, so he can step in before its too late if he does decide to marry me! K said it never occurred to [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] John that [[strikethrough]] I have [[/strikethrough]] there is a third party ie. me - to consider! This week has consisted of seeing John & Kenneth & Denny & Dennis Fox & the Chinese exhibition (which I will write about in full soon, as [[strikethrough]] it was [[/strikethrough]] I've never seen so much beauty all bottled up in one building in my life before), & Gainsborough's exhibition (which I will also write up in full later), & trying to outchinese the Chinese in drawing experiments, & seeing Jos. Stuart & the House of Commons, & Sacha Guitry with the Coleman's (a dreary dinner & delightful movie). I love Mrs. Payne - & [[strikethrough]] her [[/strikethrough]] Dr. Payne too. These are dream days which I will soon be longing for [[strikethrough]] over again. [[/strikethrough]] & reliving in time.

[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
85th Day   Annunciation-Maryland Day  281 Days to come

Mar 16th

Another week has flown by me without my even having had a chance to watch its flight- & now I turn around in my tracks for an inadequate moment & realize that tonight has literally been the only one I have spent without an engagement which has kept me up till 1 A.M. or 3 A.M. inevitably. My tracks have been very happy ones, 99% because I am in love. The only things that make me doubtful about K are - that he is only 23, & that he has not had any real affairs before this, & that therefore this might seem more important to him than otherwise. Also that he still has the healthy bloom & confidence that [[strikethrough]] college [[/strikethrough]] success at college can give one, & [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] when he gets deeply citified he may prove himself to be an unforceful & unconfident [[strikethrough]] resigned [[/strikethrough]] & soft person, who becomes resigned to his rut slowly but surely like 90 percent of the men I know. The first point might be explained away by the fact that he hasn't looked at other girls because none of them had enough to make him really care, & I was the first