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[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
94th Day 272 Days to come

Fri. Mar 27

I am on board the Washington now, & we made our last stop at Cobh this evening, where I sent a letter off to Kenneth. When we had said goodbye in Waterloo (which I hope was not our Waterloo, though I know when we meet next it is going to be a crucial moment) my thoughts & words were as far apart as we will be in a few days. I [[strikethrough]] didn't even [[/strikethrough]] wanted to ask him to think of me thinking of all the things I would be wanting to say to him that night in my cabin, when it would be too late. It is one thing to say goodbye for one year or ten years, but to say it without having any idea of when we'd see each other again is a strange feeling. I wrote him not to change his type in the sweetest way or I'd never speak to him again, which is more truth than poetry when I think of how John or my judgement has changed, but I said I'd allow him to live & learn which is something else. Goodbye you darling & generous angel ("Look Homeward Angel" is that Wolfe book I couldn't remember to tell his mother about), & how can I write "thankyou" when I am talking about five weeks of such things as you have

[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
95th Day   271 Days to come


given me & done for me & with me?  Water those don't-forget-to-remember me nots [[strikethrough]] today [[/strikethrough]] tonight, because it is Friday- [[strikethrough]] & sleep [[strikethrough]] I have already been draping the tweed he gave me (8 yds for a suit!) all over me, & it is such a perfect colour that it betrays its donator & reciever in its subtlety, & which only they could have 'tweeded' out. Perhaps I will wear it in Scotland with him someday, just to give the moors a break. The moment after we waved goodbye to each other I walked into my compartment & looked at [[strikethrough]] two photos [[/strikethrough]] the two advertisements -& they were of Weymouth & Sandwich - K's & John's two weekend spots, which made me realize [[strikethrough]] how [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] that either [[/strikethrough]] that love makes one's ego [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] very large or that the world is very small, or both. Three medical students - tough guys - were my neighbors, & if I had been dying I would hardly have trusted my life to them. One said he was very tired & hungry, & the other said "Why don't you order some food" & the 1st one said "What with"? The other then offered to pay for it, but in the end the hungry one never got his food.  [[strikethrough]] As we neared [[/strikethrough]] They talked a blue streak, & described

Transcription Notes:
Cobh (Queenstown) in Ireland