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about London
[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
98th Day  Tuesday in Holy Week  268 Days to come

cont. SS. Wash

was feeling bitter that night again - in fact he was all the time because I kept including Kenneth on our dates, or else giving out on John in order to see K - so I don't blame him. John said that if any Englishman ever ought to marry any American - then they ought to marry me, & I said I thought people should marry their own nationality. John wrote a witty little rhyme about us three - K being the "overgrown pup" because I had told him that was what I thought of K as, & me being the peke because it is John's nickname for me - & John the old dog from [[strikethrough]] those [[/strikethrough]] the long time of our friendship:

When a peke starts playing with an overgrown pup
Well, what can an old dog do?
But if the game gets far, then he mayn't give up
There'd be life in the old dog too.

K is like a big puppy - or we [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] both [[strikethrough]] like [[/strikethrough]] look like pigs or bulldogs which proves that water finds its own level even in looks. I told him I get much thinner in NY. & feel much too fat now, but he said I

about London
[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
99th Day  Wednesday in Holy Week  267 Days to come

cont. SS. Wash

shouldn't get any thinner because I had an excellent figure now. It seems that there are still some men in the world who are big enough to appreciate amazons like me after all, & I am beginning to lose my complex about it. K then got inspired by John's rhyme on the same theme, & wrote to me:

An overgrown pup with admiring sighs,
Approached a peke with large blue eyes,
And it certainly wasn't done for a lark,
To prevent the Peke from meeting the Ark.
With religious fervour & dignified pride, 
Arkell produced his childish side, 
& protested bitterly hard that the two should meet,
Instead of the Peke kneeling at his feet.

His protests were perhaps misunderstood,
But they certainly did more harm than good,
Yet the news was never allowed to leak,
That that overgrown pup adored that peke.

When one knows how often the religious versus scientific questions have arisen between K & me as opposed to religious John, & when one knows the whole inside of it - this verse is very cute & apt.