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[[strikethrough]] THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
100th Day  Maundy Thursday  266 Days to come

Mar 28  S.S. Wash

I've just seen a very sad movie, & a child having a dreadful coughing fit, & between those two little things I feel extremely upset. I think that whether one's life is full of worries or not, the minimum amount of worrying done in inside of people is  more or less equal. When one has few worries for the moment, one gets upset by little things like this, to compensate for a real worry. But any emotion I feel now is all wrapt up with K, & when I feel a sense of sadness or joy or humour or pity, I think of K. 

It is beginning to dawn on me that I am not going to see him for two years, & the only way I can concieve of that is by looking backward [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] two years, & realizing that it is so remote & insignificant that I can't remember what I was doing then.

I have a lot to catch up on dating back to a few odds & ends from St Anton. I never wrote up my trip to Hinteris [[Hinterriss]] - where Hermann & I drove two hours to meet the others on the Jacht. I have forgotten too much to write about it, but we had a lovely time driving & talking 

Catching up
[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
101st Day  Good Friday  265 Days to come
Hinteris [[Hinteriss]]
S.S. Wash

the whole day, & arrived to find the 'Wolves' & Wagners there in that one lovely hotel in the wilds. It is a famous hunting ground, where the Kaiser used to go, & has been owned by Prinz   since then. The next day we all went out to watch animals - [[strikethrough]] alm [[/strikethrough]] after driving deeper & deeper [[strikethrough]] into a big valley [[/strikethrough]] into the woods until we suddenly [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] emerged onto a great flat [[strikethrough]] closed in [[/strikethrough]] valley, [[strikethrough]] completely enclosed both [[/strikethrough]] completely enclosed by precipitous mountains rising directly out of it. [[strikethrough]] In that [[/strikethrough]] on that flat valley there was a forest of huge old oak trees, [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] which have stood there for hundreds of years & are all dying, because of a new mineral which [[strikethrough]] poro [[/strikethrough]] has been seeping into them & killing them slowly ever since the glacier receded from the valley, so that no new oaks can ever be replanted to grow in their place. They all looked already petrified - because they were so black & [[strikethrough]] st [[/strikethrough]] enormous & dead, & I shall always think of it as the 'petrified forest! We could already see 'gems' all over the rocks above us through our glasses, & after an hours climbing we suddenly [[strikethrough]] saw [[/strikethrough]] had one of the most exciting [[strikethrough]] things [[/strikethrough]] moments I have ever witnessed. Accross a deep ridge - we saw on the opposite side

Transcription Notes:
Hinterriss - ski and hunting village in Austria Gems - Chamois, a mountain antelope