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Catching up

[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
102nd Day  Easter Even  264 Days to come

Hinteris [[Hinterriss]] S.S. Wash

from us - a fox stalking a snow mouse, perfectly silhouetted against the snow, & further up was a rudl of gems playing among the rocks - springing about in their stylish [[strikethrough]] strong [[/strikethrough]] way, & behind them three Hirsch with wonderful [[strikethrough]] bohare [[/strikethrough]] "bokhare" were walking idly in a row. All were completely unconscious of our presence, & we watched them a long time through marvelous glasses, until Ferdinand took a shot at the fox who luckily escaped. We climbed for another hour & came upon a huge rudl of gems - at least ten - all playing about. There were three old ones lying down [[strikethrough]] & placed [[strikethrough]] on the combs of certain outlooks to act as wise old sentinals, & behind them the geis & their kids played about, while the old bok sprung up & down, & [[strikethrough]] co [[/strikethrough]] ate shrubbage. Ferdinand & I [[strikethrough]] climbed [[/strikethrough]] sneaked much nearer with the biggest glass, & watched till we were practically frozen, lying tummy down on the snow. I wish I had described this at the time in here instead of in 

Catching up

[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
103rd Day  Easter Day  263 Days to come

Hinteris [[Hinterriss]] S.S. Wash

letters, as it was so thrilling & interesting. When they finally suspected us, I saw several [[strikethrough]] run [[/strikethrough]] spring higher & higer in order to test the air better, while the others nonchalantly went on playing, & when they got our scent up there they came bounding down to say the word, & in the meantime the old geis were up & ready, though their station had been in the opposite direction. Then suddenly they all bounded off - defying gravity with the greatest of ease - springing high & triumphantly uphill. Talk about a man [[strikethrough]] flying [[/strikethrough]] who "flew through the air with the greatest of [[strikethrough]] thes [[/strikethrough]] ease" - these gems are built in such a way as to be able to climb to the point of no one ever having seen a gems go downhill. They are always going "hinauf" & "hinauf", and no one will ever know if they aren't just born at the bottom [[strikethrough]] & climb up [[/strikethrough]] by the thousands, & climb up until they reach the top where they fly away. I gather that Frau Dr Wagner

Transcription Notes:
Hirsch - German for "deer" Gems - alpine antelope, chamois bokhare--does she mean shaggy coats?