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[[strikethrough]] THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
114th Day  252 Days to come

(cont.)   S.S. Wash

teaching people how to cope with things, & he said "Yes but that's dangerous, because it only makes people think about themselves, whereas the only hope is to turn outside of oneself." I said it does that temporarily, but one gets so sick of one's ego through that, & becomes so mentally cleared up that one becomes free of oneself in the end. I said I thought that when it was completely successful & understood as a form of mental cure, it might lead to peace, because people would be so understanding of each others differences, & so respectful of peoples motives - that people wouldn't feel like fighting. 

I have seen [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] want of understanding so strongly in Vint & John & anyone who has been analyzed, & they seem so lonely with their friends who do not [[strikethrough]] speak [[/strikethrough]] think with the same well-grounded understanding, that I can't help feeling it might be an enormous step toward progressing.

Dartington Hall
FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 
115th Day   251 Days to come

(cont)   S.S. Wash

I have never described my weekend at Dartington - which happened a week ago. John had been [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] hopelessly obstinate about having that weekend alone with me, regardless of the fact that I had wanted Kenneth to come too, & upon my request Mrs Elmhirst had particularly invited him as well. I knew he wanted to see the place because Mrs E. had taken a few patients to be analyzed by Dr Payne, & had asked her to come to Dartington to act as [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] their consultant which she [[strikethrough]] was unable [[/strikethrough]] refused to do, & therefore Mrs E & one of those patients would have been most interested to meet Kenneth, especially as he was also working on the Christ Church Unemployment Clubs with John. The reason we went was in order to try to get Mrs E. interested in contributing to these clubs of John's - & knowing her, & having been asked to visit her - I took John. One

Transcription Notes:
Dartington Hall founded 1925 by Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst