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[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, MAY 25, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
146th Day   220 Days to come
March 31st S.S. Wash.

Tonight is the "Gala" night, but I must say I don't feel exactly Gala. Today I swam & drew the little 12 year old Chinese girl. I got up courage to ask her - & she posed too beautifully & respectfully. She is the daughter of one of the greatest Geologists in the world, who is on board. Mr Davis was greatly impressed with his breadth of view & wisdom when he met him - & I must say he has a marvelous face - with a shining expression & sensitive sympathy which one rarely sees. The little girl is fascinating looking - [[strikethrough]] few of [[/strikethrough]] with such a straight & neat little figure, & that big smiling head. I could draw her for weeks on end - & today I stupidly took pity on her after three quarters of an hour, with the result that I only have a half finished sketch. I can't seem to do portraits with lithograph - partly because I can't erase it, & partly because I should probably use only a litle [[little]] pencil, instead of a crayon. I will try again tomorrow. Speaking of the Chinese I must here relate some of the

[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
147th Day   219 Days to come
cont.   S.S. Wash.

interesting things that Norman Davis & Stanley & the others said the other night when they got talking at dinner about the Japanese situation: The Japs think we're scared because we're sitting back & waiting - & there's the rub - because we are sitting back in the hope of scaring them off without war. They need to be squelched, & either the U.S. or England will have to do it. We alone could lick her easily, but we preferr to wait - & in the meantime we are hinting that if she fought one of us, she would probably be fighting both because the U.S. & England have [[strikethrough]] showed [[/strikethrough]] acted together very strongly in recent conferences against Japan. I asked Mr Davis why we couldn't simply tell Japan that if she goes to war with the U.S. or England, she would be fighting us both, & that would prevent her from making war. He said people aren't intelligent enough to be able to come out with a statement like that, & that it wouldn't be diplomatically for the President to announce that out of a clear blue sky, so we simply have to wait & hint instead. He thinks Japan will never get China,

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