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[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
172nd Day   194 Days to come


& I [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] saw Ina Claire's sophisticated amusing "End of Summer" last night. I thought of Kenneth when I saw [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] Osgood Perkins as a psychologist - & one line I remember was about poor Freud being the only man in the world who couldn't be analyzed by himself - & "God how lonely that poor guy must be"! I put myself to sleep regularly through thoughts of K - & I shudder to think that he might still not have recieved my first letter - excepting my note from Cobh - while I have recieved two beauties from him. How disgusted he must be. [[strikethrough]] I saw [[/strikethrough]] Henry & I talked in my studio from 4 till 8 today - & it was good to see him again. Apparently he never cared for Florence as much as I'd thought - & she had cared for him quite a lot. We talked of everything as usual - but I think  he is [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] all over his love for me - or at least is wise enough not to let it return. He was childish & charming & enthusiastic as ever - & I hardly got a word in edgwise. I feel that all my affairs - St J - Kim - Henry - Jay - Paulie

[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
173rd Day   2nd Sunday after Trinity  First Day of Summer - Longest Day of Year  193 Days to come
[[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] cont

have waned - & I have helped that by feeling too much in love with K to care or even feel Romantic. [[strikethrough]] H says [[/strikethrough]] Henry told me I should marry someone at least 6 years older than I - & he is right - but how can I? I am faintly interested in Larry P - whose shell I long to break, because he is so intelligent when he gets going, & if Bill C appeared I might be a little interested, but beyond that there is no one - since Harbison & Summy have dropped from the horizon for good. 

I went to an exhibition of Gauguin's one painting which he did without thinking in a mood of despair before taking arsenic which he hoped would kill him. I maintain that he wouldn't have taken arsenic if he had painted it better, or that he shouldn't have tried to paint when he felt so low. It [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] has good composition & swell color I suppose, but it doesn't hang together, & is only interesting psychologically I think. Lorac & high society stuffed the place - for their presences are so stuffy. Next door I witnessed the selling of a charming child statue with bunnies by Albert Stewart. Everyone adores it, & so do I. 
[[left margin]] Henry also had a figure on exhibition there - but it should be big to appreciate [[/left margin]]