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[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
192nd Day   174 Days to come

is the lowest interpretation there is of it, & I think school made me unrepairable [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] about public exhibition of myself. 

Mum & I discussed sympathy the other day - & her idea is that listening is the only system for it, whereas mine is that contributing one's own views draws another person out - & then is the time to shut up & listen. It boils down to age differences usually, for in order to an older person to get a younger person to talk - he [[strikethrough]] must [[/strikethrough]] (or most probably she!) must take a stand & let his knowledge speak before expecting the young person to [[strikethrough]] begin [[/strikethrough]] commit himself & react & be listened to. Older people too often think that the way to get young people to talk is to ask questions & draw them out, but young people as well as old are mental gold diggers, & they like to feel their ground before committing themselves - & therefore listening [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] is much more selfish than it seems, & talking much more unselfish. [[strikethrough]] Person [[/strikethrough]] Human sympathy should listen, &

[[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
193rd Day   173 Days to come

knowledge should talk, according to young people. The motherly & wise type of older person should listen to the human affairs of [[strikethrough]] young [[/strikethrough]] youth, & intellectual people who have real knowledge of something should talk. The Elmhirsts ask questions & don't commit themselves which is worse, except with Dorothy it is OK. [[strikethrough]] bu [[/strikethrough]] as long as she stays on human subjects. Mum says that their one idea is to make everyone do as they do by teaching whatever they are accomplished in - & that is why they like [[strikethrough]] Mrs Pa [[/strikethrough]] Dr. Payne so much - but they don't realize that if everyone did as they wanted & as they do themselves, there would be no selfish creators in the world to center their interests around, & help to progress & educate.

To change the subject - the other night I went out with St J [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] staying up till 3 a.m. We got very lit up - & that is the only way in which we can feel at ease & have fun. We would have to go to the dogs if - we [[strikethrough]] married [[/strikethrough]] wanted