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[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, JULY 20, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
202nd Day   164 Days to come

live one, & his letters get better & better but they aren't enough. I don't read them with deaf eyes, but am very critical & I re reread & re re reread them. It is paradoxical how little [[strikethrough]] the ocean [[/strikethrough]] difference the ocean makes, & [[strikethrough]] yet [[/strikethrough]] how detestible it is. That dirigible the Hindenburg is grand - but it irks me to think that it makes us only 60 hours apart & yet unseeable. Late last night I heard shrieking beasts all over the city, & I looked out just in time to see her flying low & oh so gracefully over the roof tops. She is a more beautiful fish-bird shape than any I've seen - & her huge zooming bulk has even more presence than meets the eye. I have gotten out of step writing letters to K - so must stop & write him now - though bed is shrieking at me. [[strikethrough]] Sarah brought Stirling to meet me last night ( [[/strikethrough]] I have been drawing till 11: regularly lately [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]] with Maury Jones - who is a charming painter. He & Mrs Jones had me for dinner the other night - & the next night they & the Warnekes & I dined. They are new friends

[[strikethrough]] TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
203rd Day   163 Days to come

What a fruitful day this has been - starting with the arrival of most loving letter [[strikethrough]] of all arriving from K [[/strikethrough]] I have gotten from K - before working on my sacherrine sweet but oh so charming female nude which is going to please unartistic men & mummie (especially as it is so unlike my type of sculpture). Then I lunched with the Manship's whose guests were a Chinese girl & a painter. He (Paul) was very flattering to me - introducing me as a girl who makes as good drawings as any [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] he's seen, & an Olympic skiier which is more than [[strikethrough]] any [[/strikethrough]] the painting world can boast of its members. Well he is flattering - [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] & I love to be flattered - but all through lunch it was I whom he talked to - & I know he is interested in me. I went there primarily to see Jacoleffs [[Jacovleff's]] books of drawings - which are about the finest in the world, but I will go back another day to see them thoroughly as we had cocktails & [[strikethrough]] sh [[/strikethrough]] champagne & too much laughter to accomplish more

Transcription Notes:
. Jacoleff - Alexandre Jacovleff