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212th Day  154 Days to come


try out for the Olympic team in Berlin this summer, & I hope he will, though it means he can't come to America.

A wild black storm is about to eclipse the heat that has made me loathe work & feel [[strikethrough]] sick [[/strikethrough]] lousy - lazy - bored - & bloated all day, & I already feel electrified into a new person. I always feel elated when storms are in the air, & get on well with people when one is in full swing. They are like a blanket that gives everyone a common denominator - like snow - or throwing a bath towel in the midst of a formal dinner party, after which everyone feels eased & talkative.

Dr. Bailey was full of compliments abt the Olympics & my zoo book which his Aunt sent him for his kids without knowing he knew me. It is funny how these two things keep greeting me from the most unexpected people. It is all flattery only - but I revel in it, & it is funny that I should have happened to be in the limelight even that much when the causes were so minor. Those two & the exhibition have more than rewarded me superficially with other people - but I [[strikethrough]] never seem only myself [[/strikethrough]] can only reward myself in fundamental things when they arrive in the far future.

[[strikethrough]] FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
213th Day    153 Days to come

May 19th

Yesterday I returned from the country night with Lu - who is surprisingly wise & stable these days. She sees beauty in things now that she didn't notice before - & by that I mean in fundamental ways such as situations & human character etc. She is much too petty, & seems to become more so each day about her friends & her own touchy feelings - but otherwise she is way above me in experience & wisdom. I have many suppositions in my mind which may be right, but they are not knowledge brought about by experience, which is what she has. I had an off day in being slightly distrait - first in the studio when Mrs Patt. brought some beautifully smoothed off bas reliefs to show Warneke of all her family. She placed one on a round stool - whereupon in the rest period I promptly sat neatly [[strikethrough]] on it![[/strikethrough]] & heavily upon it! I drove away from class & sailed down a street in a great hurry - & as I neared the end of it I saw a