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[[strikethrough]] WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
232nd Day    134 Days to come

as well as that one married man all evening! 

My female figure is cast & looks like a good study of a female figure - both technically [[strikethrough]] & in feeling [[/strikethrough]] sculpturally & as far as life in a living creature goes, but it is uninteresting & sacharrine sweet. I almost ruined my girls head in the last class of the year today, because of my orgy of champagne & only 3 hours sleep, but I can rescue it next week. Tonight I went out with that deadly boring, extremely nice & attractive looking Ned Austin - to the Lewd French Casino where I found Alan Donald - typical meeting place! [[strikethrough]] He [[/strikethrough]] Alan was sweet - & Ned is going to pose for his head soon. More good practise - but I don't think I ever want to go out with him again. I'd rather be alone - though he is painfully nice & flattering. I went to a funny female cocktail party of Alices - & to a [[strikethrough]] lovely sweet [[/strikethrough]] charming movie of Eddie Cantor's adopted boy singing - in which that marvelous Italian acted (who?) - & Geo. Houston - [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] the American Opera Co. singer whom we all used to follow & chase to & from his performances when 

[[strikethrough]] THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1936 [[/strikethrough]]
233rd Day    133 Days to come

we were in school & [[strikethrough]] we worshiped [[/strikethrough]] worshipped him. What a strange coincidance!

"Daisy, Daisy, how very fat you grew; 
I'm Half crazy looking at nudes of you; 
You may have a portly carriage,
and Gaston is nuts on marriage
But how could your seat & bust compete
with a belly thats built for two."

-this is the song dedicated to the sculpture of Gaston La Chaise - & I just didn't want to forget it. It is sung to "a bycicle built for two." Kenneth writes asking me to the 1st & 3rd Balls at Cambridge - & says if I don't come now I've got to next year. Well how I crave to go to those & the Red Hat Ball - on the Queen Mary or the Hindenburg! He has no one to take on his two free tickets & I don't know whether to wish he finds one & has fun or hope to hell he won't! My joie de vie is restored, though I'm too tired to be a witness to the fact in here - & I still can't draw! I still miss K terribly at moments - but it grows less & less, & no one takes his place. Shut up boorish bore. Must leave for the Warnekes tomorrow.