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[[strikethrough]] SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1936 [[strikethrough]]
334th Day  First Sunday in Advent 
 32 Days to come
Sept 1st

What years seem to have happened outside of these pages - & now everything is overshadowed by the worst worry I have ever had. I can't even write of it in here, beyond the fact that for two days & nights it has preyed on my mind too much to describe - I can't eat or sleep or concentrate on tennis or anything, & worst of is being unable to tell anyone including mummie & my diary. [[strikethrough]] I have f [[/strikethrough]] The list of events which I feel too distrait to be amusing or vivid about [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] beyond listing are - that I have finished the lions - that I dined with Henry in town who [[strikethrough]] told [[/strikethrough]] is trying like hell to change "Miss Campbell" into someone whom he can love enough to marry - & that he says Stewart told him I'm a mental case - & that the weekend after I last wrote about seeing Kim terminated with a scathing letter telling me not to [[strikethrough]] treat [[/strikethrough]] play him like an overstrung violin - & that if unless [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] have any more to say its goodbye - which 

[[strikethrough]] MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1936 [[strikethrough]]
335th Day  St. Andrew  31 Days to come

it is - & that St John called up from Boston asking to see me, & when he came down never looked me up - behind which there is a quarrel I can't find the reason for - & that a 15 page letter arrived from Kenneth which I could hardly read because he seems to dull in letters & so far off in real life, & which I can never answer.

I wrote Jay an answer to his letters - & [[strikethrough]] only g [[/strikethrough]] only just got a wire [[strikethrough]] say [[/strikethrough]] asking to see me in Conn. tomorrow - which should have come a week ago. I find I enjoy writing - it takes my mind off my trouble which is made worse by the fact that I have no work to do since I've finished the Lions, & no time for launching out on a sculpture as I must take the head (whose pattine has been made excellent - & when I was at Basky's helping to pattine it for three hours - the Jap. artist Naguchi blew in. When Basky asked in a loud voice if I wanted to meet him & I said [[strikethrough]] know [[/strikethrough]] no - he was pleased & relieved

Transcription Notes:
Text is written over a preprinted message at the bottom of the page: A REMINDER—Have you ordered your diary for next year? See number in front of book.