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[[strikethrough]] JANUARY [[/strikethrough]]

people (theory only listed again) 

[[strikethrough]] Date  CASH Rec'd Paid [[/strikethrough]]

They are divided into [[strikethrough]] three [[/strikethrough]] four classes in my mind: i.e.

1. The creative narrow type, dependent on inside stimulation.
2. The satisfied narrow type, dependent on outside stimulation (they form the majority in the world).
[[strikethrough]] 3. The Organisers or leaders, who are critical analytical type. [[/strikethrough]]
3. The scholarly narrow type, dependent on outside stimulation of things already created for their intellects to specialize in.
4. The organizers, or leaders, who are both creative & critical, but creative by doing things with a mass of chosen people to do the actual work, & critical by selecting that mass & leading them & choosing their actions for them. The [[They]] are the broadest & most powerful & influential type of all. Napoleon or [[strikethrough]] Lincoln [[/strikethrough]] Washington etc are this type (so is Kim!)

[[left margin]] Napoleon's & Mussolini's ego doesn't necessarily have to exist here. Lincoln is another example, & even Socrates or Christ. [[/left margin]]

[[strikethrough]] May3/36 [[/strikethrough]]

Date CASH   Rec'd  Paid

Beauty is the honest & unselfconscious result of a natural need. Vitality creates it, & the more vital its creator, the more beautiful is the result. Beauty defies gravity, is unselfconscious, & has the strength [[strikethrough]] of youth [[/strikethrough]] necessary to defy gravity - & it [[strikethrough]] needs those upon whom it reflects [[/strikethrough]] exists for & is guided by those upon whom it reflects.

If only we paid our price before indulging then the indulgence would be nicer, & scarcer.

Old people must read & depend on [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] outside stimulation, because they have nothing to day-dream about, & they have no inside stimulation.

(Since Prohibition has come to an end) [[strikethrough]] we have [[/strikethrough]] From a nation of class-drinkers, we have become a nation of mass drinkers.