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Suspension Notice

Date February 6, 1958
Name of Pupil
(Last) Brown
(First) Minniejean
Birthdate Sept. 11, 1941
Grade 11th
Name of Parent or Guardian
Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Brown
Address 1117 Ringo
Phone (unlisted)

It becomes my duty to inform you that Minniejean Brown has been suspended from Central High School, for the following reasons:

Reinstated on probation January 13, 1958, with the agreement that she would not retaliate verbally or physically, to any harassment but would leave the matter to school authorities to handle.

After provocation of girl student, she called the girl "white trash", after which the girl threw her purse at Minniejean.

Pupils in the Little Rock Public Schools who fail to adjust to their school program may be suspended from school for an indefinite period by the school principal. This pupil cannot again enter Little Rock Public Schools except by written permission from the Superintendent.

In order that this pupil may be reinstated in school, the parent or guardian must accompany her to the office of the Superintendent of Schools, Department of Pupil Personnel and Attendance, 800 Louisiana Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, for the purpose of discussing the problems relative to this suspension.

Very truly yours,
Jess W. Matthews

CC: Superintendent of School
Director of Pupil Personnel