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[[3 columned table]]

When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.

April 16 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 14 | Eldridge Stuart A.A.A. Gen'l E.B. 2" Vol 226, O.L.S.D.C. | Washington D.C. April 16" 1868. 
Asst Comr disapproves of the application made by Mrs Griffing for the appointment of Mrs M.F.Corner for the time being. States that the name of A.P. Clark is not mentioned among the assistants and requests to know whether he is, or is not on duty under her directions.

April 15" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 15 | Gilmore C. D. of firm Chipman Hormer & Co E.B. 2" Vol 227. O.L.S.D.C. '68| Washington D.C. April 13 1868 
Forwards letter of A.G. Heylman stating the facts in the case of a colored girl named Charlotte Smith who was shot and dangerously wounded in the head, by the son of her employer living on or near 6th St. Thinks the girl and her friends have been grossly imposed upon, and asks, if within the province of the Commr. that an investigation may be had. The girl can be seen at W 146. Blagdens' Alley between M & N and 9th & 10th Sts. 

April 14" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 16 | Ricks Mrs L.M.E.  E.B. 2" Vol 228, O.L.S.D.C. '68 | Washington D.C. April 13 1868. States on account of the non-payment of the school fund, she is under the necessity of a returning to the Barracks to live. and requests that the rooms may be whitewashed Thursday. 

[[3 columns]]

When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.

April 16" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 17 | Griffing, Mrs. J.S. Agent  E.B. 2" Vol 228, O.L.S.D.C. '68 | Washington D.C. April 16" 1868. 
Requests that Phillip Brown, a defendent freedman - res Wisewell Barracks - be employed to Whitewash- at usual rate - the four Rooms and two halls, used for Bureau purposes at 394 North Cap't St. Said rooms being in an unwholesome condition from constant use for one year. 

April 15" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.  18. | Townsend C. C. E.B. 2" Vol 229. 1868 | N 112 Water St N.Y. April 9th 1868. 
Is informed by a Mrs Stith of Richmond Va, that a boy sent by her to the "Home" in 1859, is under sentence of death, but where or why she does not say.  Inquires whether the General has heard anything of the boy (named Samuel P. Watkins). Thinks that he may be in Washington; if so he desires to be informed immediately.etc.etc. 

April 18" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.  19. | Wheelock H. M.D. L.S.2" Vol No 126. 1868 | Baltimore Md  April 15" 1868. 
States that his brother wishes one or two colored men to work on a farm in Vienna, Oneida Co. N.Y. Asks for information.

Transcription Notes:
Unsure on left margins Reformatted into a markdown table. Blank lines break the table formatting.