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When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. 

April 20”1868 	O.L.S.D.C.	20.	|	Townsend E. G. Supt &c,	E.B.Q”Vol 229. O.L.S.D.C. 1868	|	Kendall Green	April 20th 1868 [line]	Represents in behalf on Robert Terrill, that he humbly asks the girls of the Shanty in which he now lives; or permission to purchase it by labor, at a fair valuation from Bureau R.F. and AL. States that he is an honest & industrious man, and that he lost all he had by the fire at the Barracks in January last; In his opinion, it will be a well bestowed, as it is, a well deserved charity, without loss to the Bureau. 


April 20”1868	O.L.S.D.C.	Filed	21.	|	Finney W. G.	|	Washington D.C.	April 19”1868 [line]	Requests that Charles Morton, sick freedman, Cor 17” & E Sheets, be furnishes with one load of wood. Does no believe he will require another this summer.


April 21”1868	O.L.S.D.C.	22	|	Wall O.S.B. Supt &c	E.B. Q”Vol 230. O.L.S.D.C. 1868	 |	Campbell Barracks Washington D.C.	April 21”1868 [line]	Requests that the Head quarters building at the Barracks be nearly roofed entire &c. Suggests that the old felt be removed, and that cheap Shingles be used to make the new roof.


April 21st 1868	O.L.S.D.C.	23.	|	Eldridge Stewart A.A.A. Genl.	Transmitted 4/22nd 1868.	|	Washington D.C.	April 21st 1868 [line]	Informs Mrs Griffing Agt &c that the Ass’t Comd has requested the appointment of A.P. Clark at a Salary of $100.00 per month from this date. He now receiving full pay will be expected to perform all necessary duties, and no application for additional help will be entertained.


April 22d 1868	O.L.S.D.C.	24.	|	Beckley R. D. Asst Supt.	|	Wisenell Barracks D.C. [line]	Transmits report of Tenants occupying Tenants at Wisenell Barracks, for the month of April 1868. Amount collected $49.50 No. Families 70.


April 18”1868	O.L.S.D.C.	Filed	25	|	Eldridge Stewart A.A.A. Genl.	|	Washington D.C.	April 18”1868 [line]	Endorses the following appointments from the Commd as Agents Bureau R.F. & AL. D. of Columbia, in accordance with request of Local Supt. D.C. Apl 10” 1868. A.P. Bogue $50 per month to fate April 1st 1868. Juo H. Carr “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Chas H. Melcher “ “ “ “ “ “ “ WM D. Johnson “ “ “ “ April 6”1868. H. L. Smith “ “ “ “ “26”1868. All these Agents axcept Mr Smith [underlined] will be required full rep and transmit to head quarters the in closed oaths sworn to and attested by a Magistrate or Notary Public.