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When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter

May 12th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 67 | Walker Miss Susan | E.B. 2" Vol 241. O.L.S.D.C. 1868 | Cottage Indtl School May 11th 1868
Request the name of Mildred Redd be put on the Pay Rolls to take charge of the school room etc.

May 12th 1868 OLSDC| Wheeler, G H AA Surg U.S.A. EB 2" Vol 241. O.L.S.D.C '68 |  Dispensary No 1. 6 St East bet A&B Sts-No- May 7" 1868.
Reports the Sanitary condition of Kendal Green Bk's & recommends the removal of certain rubbish &c from the grounds about the lower camp.

|May 12th 1868 O.L.S.DC. Filed 69  | Clark, S. N. A.A.I. Genl. |  Washington, D.C. May 12th 1868 
Requests the Local Supt to examine the records of transportation issued in 1866. particularly in the months of May, June, July and August, relative to the caes of Kitty Brooks a colored girl.
The transportation was probably granted on the Application of Mrs S. Griffing & issued from this City to New York City, and ascertain who went to N.Y. in charge of the party with which Kitty was sent.
Thinks an examination of the records, in the Office of Mrs Griffing may throw some light on the subject. Directs the Local Supt to make a personal inspection of the same and report.
 See No 74.

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When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter

May 13th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. No 70| Purvis, C.B. A.A. Surg. Approved | Washington D.C. May 4th 1868
Makes application for a sufficient member of hands to White Wash the buildings of the Orphans Home.

May 13th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 71. | Wall, O.S.B. Supt Camp Bks  E.B. 2" Vol 242. O.L.S.D.C. '68 | Washington D.C. May 13th 1868
Requests the privilege to employ a rough carpenter for two or three days at moderate wages, to erect a shed suitable to shelter a Cow. and to make a rood projection in front of Hd Qrs. Building, and other repairs about the tenements, States that he has all the material necessary, except about 5-lbs 8d nails.

May 15th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 72 | Wall, O.S.B. Supt. Camp Bks E.B. 2" Vol 242 O.L.S. D.C. 1868 | 
Washington D.C. May 13th 1868
Requests that the amount of Arrearages of rent accummulated up to May 1" 1868, against the tenements in this camp to be remitted _ States that a large proportion had accumulated last summer when Maj Townsend was in charge - but a larger proportion [[?]] November or during the past winter; that in his opinion a very small proportion of the above arrearages can ever be collected. - but hopes to be able to collect from the tennents during the next 6 months - except the sixteen or Seventeen families from the Capt Hill Bks who are all poor, miserable people in every sense of the word. 

Transcription Notes:
sometimes double ss is written like fs