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When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. 

June 13”1868 O.L.S.D.C.	Filed 104 | Eldridge Stewart A.A.A. Genl. | Washington D.C.	June 13”1868 
Requests an investigation of the within case, whether or not advisable to grant transportation. Etc. 

June 15”1868 O.L.S.D.C.	105 | Griffing Mrs J.S. Agent &c. E.B.2” Vol 237. O.L.S.D.C. 1868. | Washington D.C.	June 13”1868. 
Reports case of Rebecca Smith dependent freedwoman; aged 76 years, She has no home and is in a suffering condition, She is now stopping in the family of Nat Jackson Preacher, living near the new Gov’t School House. 	
As she is too feeble to walk, requests that she be taken to the old Peoples Home, Freedmans Village, and admitted.

June 16”1868 O.L.S.D.C.	106 | Johnson Ellen (Colored)	E.B. 2” Vol 253. 1868 |	Washington D.C.	June 16”1868 
States that in April 1865, she engaged with a Mrs Hazelett of Powhattan, Baltimore Co. Md to have her (Ellen’s) daughter live with her; that there was no contract made; that understanding her daughter was not treated kindly – she has made several attempts to procure her child, but up to the present date without success; (that she has another daughter whose father is trying to take away much against the daughters will; that she has never been married,) Asks the Aid of the Bureau in assisting her to procure her child.	Sticken out

When Received. | Name of Writer | Date & Purport of Letter.

June 17”1868 O.L.S.D.C.	107. | Beckley R. D. Ast Supt &c | Wisewell Barracks D.C. 
Transmits report of Tenants occupying Tennents at Wisewell Barracks, for the month of June 1868. 
Number of families 45. Amt collected $142.00

June 17”1868 O.L.S.D.C.	108 | Johnson Jerome A. Agent &c  E.B. 2”Vol 251. O.L.S.D.C. | Marlboro Md June 15”1868. Reports that the man who was obtaining money from the colored people in vicinity of Marlboro, representing himself as an Agent of the Bureau, has disappeared from the vicinity of the town, and is reported to be operating in other counties of the state. 
He was successful in his operations around Marlboro and many colored people sold property to meet his demands. 

June 17”1868 O.L.S.D.C.	109 | Pinn Robert | Burlington, N.J. April 28”1868 	
States that the charge that he borrowed $75.00 from Mrs Annie Armstead some 16 years ago, is not correct, Admits that he was interested with money of hers to the amount of $60 00/100 or 70 00/100. It was placed in his hand “to keep.” 
He left Fredericksburg and before going asked her to take her money which she declined doing, but did afterwards take about half of it. He is willing to pay the remainder to her as soon as he can, & he states the exact amount. Inclosed is a letter to Mrs Armstead stating that he is willing to do what is right and will be in Georgetown in June or July & will talk the matter over with her.