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When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. 

Filed 137	|	Sec EB 262. 1868	|	of duty six days in each week, at 8 am & remains away until 4.30 PM attending to duties at the Treasury for which he receives $1600 per a_, There is an utter absence of effective supervision . Recommends his immediate discharge. 


July 9”1868	O.L.S.C.	138	|	Nichols G. B. Supt. 	|	Kendal Green Barracks [line]	Transmits report of Tenants occupying Tenements at Kendal Green Bks for the month of June 1868. Amount collected $78.00 No Families 68. Formd 7.4”1868


July 9”1868	O.L.S.D.C.	140	|	Menill Mrs H.B.	E.B.Q”Vol 265. 1868	|	Washington D.C. 	July 6”1868 [line]	Submits statement in regard to rent due her by John Bell.

July 10”1868	O.L.S.D.C.	141	|	Beckley R. D. Asst Supt. 	Formd 7/10”1868	|	Wisenell Barracks [line]	Transmits report of Tenants occupying Tenements at Wisenell Bks for the month of May 1868. Amount collected $162.00 No Families 46.


June 26”1868	O.L.S.D.C. 	142	|	Wall O.S.B. Supt.	Formd 7/10”1868	|	Campbell Barracks [line]	Transmits report of Tenants occupying Tenements at Campl Barracks for the month of May 1868. Amount collected $58.00 No Families 68.


July 10”1868	O.L.S.D.C.	143	|	Ames Reo Bernice D.	E.B. Q” Vol 265. 1868	|	Mechanicsville N.Y.	July 6”1868 [line]	Wishes two colored women, one to cook, Wash, & Iron and the other for Chambermaid & Dining Room girl – will pay $10.00 per Md each R.R. fare to be deducted from their wages.


July 9’1868	O.L.S.D.C.	144	|	Griffing J. Emma	E.B. Q”Vol 264. O.L.S.D.C. |	“Office.” July 9”1868 [line]	State that they are in great need of a map of the Northern States, for Transportation purposes, also a late “Appletons R.R. Guide” Requests to be furnished with the same.