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[[three columned table]]
|When Received.|Name of Writer.L|Date and Purport of Letter.|
|Washington D.C. July 17"1868 O.L.S.D.C. 156|J.C.Abeel Agent E.B. Vol 2" 267. O.L.S.D.C.1868|Freedman's Village Va July 16th 1868 States that the following named Freemen, desire to go to their friends, who will provide them with quarters if they can have a ration.
Geo Washington Aged 25 To Thomas Lewis 10" Bet M&O
Stephen Carter Aged 60 To John Fuller 22" St nr.[?]
Anthony Craig Aged 66 To Sarah Ann Craig Alexandria Va|
|July 17th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 157|J.C. Abeel Agent E.B. Vol. 2" 268 O.L.S.D.C. 1868|Freedman's Village Va July 16th 1868 States that he finds many of the dependents have friends living on and in the vicinity of Arlington Estate; Requests information, as to whether rations can be issued to such persons under provision of 81ar.2, in letter of instruction from Head Quarters, Asst. Commr. D.C. dated July 14th 1868.|
|July 17" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 158|J.C. Abeel Agent Forwarded with request for Transportation|Freedman's Village Va July 16th 1868 Requests transportation for the following named dependent freed people Viz:
Allen Jackson Aged 23 Meherrin Depot Va
Ben Watson Aged 75 Columbia Va
David A. Hall Aged 24 Manchester Penn'a.
Anthony Wellington Aged 25 Annopolis Md
The above named parties state that their friends are able and willing to support them|
[[three columned table]]
|When Received.l|Name of Writer.|Date and Purport of Letter.|
|July 18" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 159|Charlotte Chapman|Woodville Md. June 30th 1868 Wishes to know when she can get her money, and if she shall come after it or not.|
|July 18" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 160|J.C. Abeel Agent|Freedman's Village Va July 17th 1868 States that the following named parties (dependents) desire to go to their son, living at Brandy Station Va who they state is able and willing to support them-Viz:
Henry Washington Aged 83
Sallie Washington Aged 70
Transmitted with request for transportation|
|July 18" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 161|J.M. Brown Pvt. Maj. & D.O|Washington D.C. July 18" 1868 Assistant Commissioner D.C. directs that the Local Supt. D.C. discharge (from July 31") the Watchman at Campbell Barracks, and the one at [?] Walker's Industrial School See L.S. No 192 and 3|
|July 18" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 162|J.C. Abeel Agent|Freedman's Village Va July 17th 1868 States that the following named dependents wish to go to their friends, who will provide for them if a ration is granted them Viz:
Bennet Brown & Wife Aged 86 & 7 to Bennet Brown tbd.K.
Maria Brown to Rev. W. Hancock, Louden & Hampshire Crossing near Alexandria
Chloe Ann Williams to Betty Williams opposite Hook and Ladder Co [Mass.?] [?] Filed|