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[[3 column table]]
|When Received.|Name of Writer.|Date and Purport of Letter.|
| August 10" 1868 OL.S.D.C  199 | Small os. B. | [[New Market S.C.?]] Aug 5th 1868   Desires to obtain a colored man and his wife as servants in his family [[?]] | 

| August 10" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.  200 | Dowan C | Newark N.J.  Aug 8th 1868  State that he should like to get a colored young man; enclose check for $8.40 and business card; regard that if a servant cannot be obtained, that the check be returned; that he will pay a good man about $12.00 per month, according to his ability [[?]] | 

| August 10" 1868 O.L.S.D.C.  201 |James Bernice D.C.|Mechanicsville N.Y. Aug 8th 1868  States that he wrote about a month ago for two colored, one for cook and kitchen hand, the other for laundries and chambermaid in Mechanicsville Acadamy to begin Sept. 1st 1868 - since which time he has heard nothing; wishes to be informed whether the lore supt.D.C has suitable persons engaged, if not what are the prospects for getting them; that he is requested by a lady friend of his to secure a girl to do general house work, in a farmer's family wages. One free week to be deducted from wages [[?]] | 

| July 14th 1868 O.L.S.D.C.  202 |Eldridge Stewart A.A.A.  |Washington D.C. July 14th 1868  Transmitts special orders no 49, desolving the board appointed by virtue of special no 44 raut series lead quarters Asst. Commd D.C.filed [[?]]
August 10th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 203 | Hillary E. A,A,A [?] | Washington St Aug 10th 1868 States that the loveal Supt. D.C can in any way find out, that the bearer (Mrs Minnie Allen) is a "loyal refugee" and can recommend transportation, he will order it. Chauephtation recommended
August 11th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 204 | Abel F.C. Agealre [best guess] Sec L.R. 191.jEu.275.oL.SDC1868 |Druamnis Village Va August 10th 1868 States that connection with a former communication from that office relative to the hall [best guess] servants towards the order authorizing the issue of [nations to laid][best guess] people; requests the return of the order, for [?] in that office
August 12th 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 205 | Abel f.C Agentre | Freedman's Village Va August 10th 1868 States that Mill's Carter [?] for 4th and [?], will provide quarters for her and her brother Thorton Berry Provided a ration can be furnished him Forwarded to R.Reybrum Serg-in-chief D.C Aug 12th 1866