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|When Received.|Name of Writer.|Date and Purport of Letter|
August 15" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 206|Stuart Eldridge A.A.A. General|Washington D.C. August 13" 1868 As directed by the Asst. Commr. D.C. to inform Mrs. J.S. Griffing, that in accordance with instructions from Commissioner Bureau R.F.& S.L. of date Aug. 10" she is entitled, as a late agent of this Bureau, to transportation in kind from the station where she has been on duty, to her home. Request for transportation must be addressed to the Office of Asst. Commr. D.C. Same communication in substance transmitted to Miss J.E. Griffing and Mr. D.R. Disbrow- same date

August 13" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 207|G. Thomas|Pine Plains, N.Y. Aug. 2" 1868 Desires to employ a colored man and wife, to take care of his house and work on his farm &c See [?] #215 Filed

August 14" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 208|J.L.Cambridge|Hartford Conn. Aug. 12th 1868 Requests the Local Supt. D.C. to  forward William Seaverson - and states that he will return a draft for the amount as soon as he arrives at Hartford Conn. See L.S#216 Filed

August 18" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 209|C.W. Perkins Agent|Washington Aug. 13, 1868 Forwards account of Beach & Evans, for plastering houses on Square No 1054-Washington D.C. amounting to Eight hundred (800) dollars. E.B. [?] 244 Vol. 3. O.L.S.D.C. 1868

|When Received.|Name of Writer.|Date and Purport of Letter.|
August 19" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 210/199|W.B. Small|New Market N.H. August 15th 1868 Acknowledges receipt of letter dated 11th [?] from Local Supt. D.C. relative to male and female servants; states that he will pay for such two hundred (200) dollars per anum, and provide a comfortable home; encloses twelve (12) dollars for R.R. Fare. Filed

August 19" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 211|J.C. Abeel Agent|Freeman's Village Va August. 19th 1868 States that Daniel Gant son of Andrew and Mary Gant (the bearers) will provide quarter for his parents; recommends that rations Chief be furnished them. Forward to R. Rayburn Surg. in D.C. Bureau R.F&A.L.

August 20" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 212|D.G. Swain A.A.A. Genl.|Washington D.C. Aug. 20th 1868 Special Orders No 58- ordering J.V.W. Vandenburgh Local Supt. D.C. to New York City on business connected with this Bureau;on the completion of which he will return without delay to his station in this city

August 20" 1868 O.L.S.D.C. 213|Julia R. Peck|Ancram, Columbia Co., New York Aug. 10" 1868 Requests that the Local Supt. D.C. furnish transportation for Harriett Porter (Col'd.) to Copake Station; states that her brother wishes to employ her (Harriett) in the house as servant. Transportation requested 20th inst.