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supplement the very valuable results - recently attained by the Coast Survey steamer Blake in the same region. It contains many representations of all the principal groups of marine invertebrates common to that area, from the littoral zone to a depth of 1700 fathoms, an especial feature being a large and fine series of crinoids (Pentacrinis) from off Havana and elsewhere. Considering that during this cruise, the Albatross was mainly occupied with hydrographic work, the collection does much credit to the energy and zeal of the officers and naturalists attached to her. The Crustacea have been sent to Prof. S. J. Smith at New Haven, Conn., for study; the Anthozoa are to be examined by Prof. A. E. Verrill; and the Echini have already been worked up by the curator of the Department. The annelids, which are not included in the above enumeration, were retained on board the steamer, 

Transcription Notes:
.[[image: embossed seal CONGRESS WASHINGTON and a building]]