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and important contribution which this department has lately received from any one formal area.

Navy Department and Naval Officers.—— From the Bureau of Navigation, 168 bottom samples from the sounding stations of the steamer Albatross, Lieut. Comdr. Z. L. Tanner, U.S.N., commanding, in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, from January to May, 1884. During this period the Fish Commission steamer Albatross was temporarily in the service of the Navy Department for surveying purposes, and the specimen results obtained in soundings were afterwards transferred to the Museum. From the same Bureau, many samples of ocean bottom obtained by the U.S. steamer Enterprise during a cruise from the United States to the Asiatic station, via the Cape of Good Hope.

From the Hydrographic Bureau, two jars of surface specimens collected by the British bark Cashmere, during a voyage from