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the "alert," a collection of Crustaceans and other marine invertebrates from the west coast of Greenland. 

From Lieut. H. H. Barroll, U.S.N., a finely preserved specimen of Ranina, from Lamock Island, China. 

From Dr. M. H. Crawford, U.S.N., specimens of sea-urchins and hydroids from the west coast of Terra del Fuego. 

Captain M. A. Healy, U.S.R.M., commanding the revenue cutter "Corwin", on the Pacific coast.—— An interesting collection of marine invertebrates from the northwestern coast of Alaska, preserved in alcohol. The majority of the specimens were obtained by dredging in depths of 16 to 32 fathoms between 65°49'15" and 71°02' N.Lat., and 157°46' and 169°04'30" N.Long. A few also were from the shore.

President I. S. Jordan, of Indiana University —— Collection of Crustaceans and Echinoderms from Key West, Florida.