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McKesson and Robbins, New York.—— A collection of sponges, including all the Mediterranean commercial varieties and many from Florida. This collection contains several interesting specimens illustrating the mode of growth and attachment of sponges, and, together with the series already furnished by the same dealers and others, furnishes the Museum with a most complete representation of all the known commercial sponges of the world.

Collections received in exchange.—— From the Rev. A.M. Norman of England, 229 species of marine invertebrates from the British Islands and Norway, distributed among the different groups as follows: Crustacea, 119 species; Mollusca, 57 species; Innicata, 14 species; Echinodermata, 32 species; Actinozoa, 2 species; Sponges, 5 species.  As regards the British Decapod Crustaceans, this collection is said to be one 

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