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indicating those which are used as food. 

From Prof. H. N. Moseley of Oxford University, England, finely prepared specimens of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, some preserved in glycerine and others mounted in Canada balsam, with dried specimens of Limnaeus truncatulus, the host of its Cercaria stage. 
Also alcoholic preparations of the fresh water Polyzoan, Cristatella repens, and the fresh water hydro-medusa, Lymnocodium Sowerbii, from the Victoria Gardens, Regents' Park, London.

From Bergen's Museum, Bergen, Norway, 55 species of Echinoderms from the coast of Norway and from the explorations of the [[strikethrough]] N.N.Ex. [[/strikethrough]] Norske Nordhavs Expedition (Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition). The several groups are represented as follows: Holothurians, 11 species; Sea-urchins, 9 species; Starfishes, 17 species; Ophiurans, 12 species; Comatula, 1 species. This is a valuable collection for comparison with North American forms.